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Tag: d&i

The most diverse and inclusive law firms

February is LGBT History month. So, in this week’s blog we look at the firms that topped the Future Lawyers diversity and inclusion charts this year.

Each year we ask trainee solicitors across the UK to rank their law firms in 12 different categories. One of the most important categories is inclusiveness.

If an inclusive workplace is high on your agenda (and frankly it should be!), take a closer look at these Future Lawyers Winners firms to find out what they’re doing to make all staff feel included. Many firms have added a specific diversity section to their profile which details how they are furthering their diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Diversity and inclusion winners 2023

At Cooley, said one trainee ‘the inclusive and collegiate culture allows me to feel comfortable asking questions, which is crucial for me to learn’

One of the best things about Vinson & Elkins is ‘the friendly nature and approachability of all staff members and the collegiate atmosphere’

A Crown Prosecution Service trainee said:  ‘I spent some time in a commercial law firm and didn’t like the ethos, CPS has provided such a wonderful environment to train in’

At Mills & Reeve the ‘forward-thinking and inclusive culture’ is spoken of highly

London, Bristol and Reading firm Osborne Clarke values ‘equality, sustainability and people’

Several trainees chose TLT because of its ‘inclusive culture’

Likewise, Latham & Watkins recruits touted the ‘diverse and inclusive culture’ as one of the best things about the firm

Stephenson Harwood‘s inclusive environment helps to keep morale high at the City of London firm

Dechert has ‘a positive learning environment’ which is described as ‘open, relaxed and inclusive’

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner ‘fosters a genuinely diverse and inclusive environment and doesn’t just pretend to’

At Burges Salmon, everyone is ‘so friendly’, ‘regardless of role or seniority’ and ‘there is a genuine sense of collaboration and working towards a common goal’

Leathes Prior‘s standout feature is ‘the culture: it’s easy to feel relaxed and comfortable being yourself in the workplace’

These are the firms that earned Future Lawyers Winners medals this year. Many more firms scored highly in the diversity and inclusion category. See our winners’ table to find out more.