Overview: Brazil | Brazil

GC Latin America Survey 2020

Contributed by Ricardo Veirano, Managing Partner, Veirano Advogados, Brazil*

Modern Working In Unprecedented Times | Adapting to change

GC Latin America Survey 2020

The in-house profession is used to change, be it from within their own team as they explore new ways to service their internal clients, or from external forces which affect the business of which they are apart. But the change wrought by 2020 is unprecedented: so how are in-house teams across Latin America adapting?

Mediations in an emergency | GC Online

Winter/Spring 2020

GC talks to veteran lawyers and dispute resolution experts Jane Player and Wolf von Kumberg about the role mediation plays in mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on businesses, the courts and the economy – as well as the opportunity it provides for in-house counsel to add value to their companies.