A fresh start for Spain | Business and politics in Spain

Summer 2018

Change is in the air for Spain. With ongoing disputes over the future of Catalonia symptomatic of an era of uncertainty in Spain, a fresh set of eyes will be tasked with regaining consensus following the ousting of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

Clean commerce: Finance goes green | Green revolution

Summer 2018

For years, the green revolution has been reshaping how heavy industries operate. Now, policymakers and advisers are working in lockstep with bankers and financiers in an effort to boost environmentally-friendly investment.

Dinner with GC: Germany | Dinner with GC

Summer 2018

In February, GC magazine undertook an ambitious two-week road trip across Germany to host Dinner with GC: Germany – a series of intimate dinners for in-house counsel, held in partnership with Beiten Burkhardt.

Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP | Practical brexit

Summer 2018

Dominic Grieve, Member of Parliament for Beaconsfield and former Attorney General for England and Wales, hosted GC at 1 Parliament Street for an exclusive conversation, covering the current state of Brexit negotiations, the potential impact on the legal profession, as well as an insight into the current state of Theresa May’s administration.