Coining it on cannabis | Cannabis within the law

Autumn 2017

As more and more states in the US opt to regulate the production and sale of recreational marijuana, GC examines a developing industry and the contentious legal frameworks enabling it.

A numbers game: diversity in Europe

Diversity and Inclusion Report: Europe

We began our survey of European GCs and other leading in-house legal figures by posing the question ‘Do you think that the legal team has a role to play in promoting diversity and inclusion in the wider organisation?’

Diversity toolkit

Diversity and Inclusion Report: Europe

Diversity and inclusion are now top strategic priorities for 21st century business leaders. Across the globe, many general counsel and law firm managing partners are engaged in the debate and committed to creating the conditions for diverse and inclusive organisations.

Shaping diversity: part three

Diversity and Inclusion Report: Europe

Stamping out stereotypes Despite the many senior GCs and in-house counsel that we have interviewed for this report (and elsewhere in GC magazine) as active sponsors of diverse workplaces, some of our consultants noted that legal departments were not typically being identified by diversity professionals as pioneers within their corporations on this issue.

Shaping diversity: part two

Diversity and Inclusion Report: Europe

Reconfiguring diversity In order to capitalise on the benefits that a diverse and inclusive workplace can bring, a leader may have to get beyond initial resistance within the corporation, often arising from fear of being targeted or implicitly blamed.

Shaping diversity: part one

Diversity and Inclusion Report: Europe

The diversity of European diversity Europeans know a thing or two about diversity. After all, a neighbour in the next town might speak a different dialect, or the nearest big city might be over the border in a different country.

Tinna Nielsen, founder, Move the Elephant for Inclusiveness | Interview

Diversity and Inclusion Report: Europe

Anthropologist Tinna Nielsen is the founder of the non-profit organisation Move the Elephant for Inclusiveness, based in Denmark. Together with Lisa Kepinski, she co-founded the Inclusion Nudges global initiative and co-authors the annual Inclusion Nudges Guidebook, with examples of applied behavioural science to influence the unconscious mind for inclusiveness.

Ana Isabel Montero Corbin, legal director, Japan Tobacco International | Interview

Diversity and Inclusion Report: Europe

Ana Isabel Montero Corbin heads JTI’s legal team in Iberia, which includes five markets covered by different regulations (mainland Spain, the Canary Islands, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar). She explains what D&I means for JTI, and gives a candid assessment of the diversity of law firms in the region.

Kirsty Cooper, group general counsel, Aviva | Interview

Diversity and Inclusion Report: Europe

Kirsty Cooper is group general counsel and a member of the executive committee at insurance multinational Aviva. She speaks about the challenges of managing diversity across Europe and beyond, and how Aviva has managed to place diversity and inclusion at the heart of what it does.