Opening up to new partnerships | Collaborative working at Novartis

Spring 2016

Don Tapscott’s Macrowikinomics (co-written with Anthony Williams) highlighted the groundbreaking step taken in 2007 by Novartis of sharing its type 2 diabetes research online. GC catches up with Felix R. Ehrat, Novartis Group General Counsel, to find out more about the practicalities of open collaboration.

GC Powerlist: Russia | GC Powerlist

Winter 2015

From isolation to integration to sanctions, Russia has experienced testing economic times. GC speaks to honourees of The Legal 500’s GC Powerlist: Russia to explore the challenges and opportunities.

Shopping around | Working in-house: Russian retail

Winter 2015

Moscow-based Maksim Arefiev is director of the legal service centre at X5 Retail Group and has worked in-house since qualifying as a lawyer. He chats to GC about his career in the Russian retail sector.

Dinner with GC: New York | Dinner with GC

Winter 2015

GC discusses delegation, disruption and strategic input for cross-border legal teams over dinner with leading in-house and external lawyers in New York.