What I now know: Keith Ruddock, recently retired general counsel, The Weir Group

Moving in-house

When I left private practice in 1992 there was a misconception that moving in-house was somehow a second division role, or an area where people could go for a change of lifestyle.  An interesting thing I found was that I was working every bit as hard as when I was in private practice, but actually I resented it less because I could clearly see the purpose and was not being driven by billable hours targets or client retention. Continue reading “What I now know: Keith Ruddock, recently retired general counsel, The Weir Group”

Let’s talk business: part one

Tim Murphy has worked for MasterCard for 16 years. Starting out as an in-house lawyer, he then spent over ten years in non-legal business roles, serving as president of the US region and chief product officer. In 2014, he stepped back into legal to assume the mantle of general counsel. In the first of a two-part interview, GC catches up with him to hear how working in the business has shaped his vision as GC. Continue reading “Let’s talk business: part one”

Our great leader: unraveling the process of choosing the right candidate for the top job

‘Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them’, muses Malvolio, a steward in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and the victim of a cruel prank whereby he believes he might be elevated to his mistress’s side as consort. Continue reading “Our great leader: unraveling the process of choosing the right candidate for the top job”