The first in GC and The Legal 500’s Corporate Counsel Summit series, which took place in september in new york, combined innovative management theory and cutting-edge legal developments. Continue reading “Harvard thinking and data protection”
Rules of engagement
The world is ‘living in an era of unprecedented level of crises and troubles,’ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told delegates to the UN General Assembly Meeting during his welcoming address in September. What does this mean for organisations doing business on the ground in troubled jurisdictions? Continue reading “Rules of engagement”
The 5-minute financial analysis
If you’re anything like the picture of a lawyer painted by our contributor Edward Smith of TELEFÓNICA UK (see Where are all the lawyer-CEOs?), you might be thinking about flicking past this section out of fear of being outed as a finance-phobe. We know that’s a stereotype… but lots of our in-house lawyer friends have confided that, for many, finance is an Achilles heel. Continue reading “The 5-minute financial analysis”