Leading the law department: hire the best | Valuing human resources

Ben Heineman was GE’s senior vice president-general counsel from 1987-2003 and then GE’s senior vice president for law and public affairs from 2004 until his retirement at the end of 2005. In this exclusive excerpt from his new book, The Inside Counsel Revolution: Resolving the Partner-Guardian Tension (Ankerwycke, April, 2016), he distils his own philosophy for transformational hiring and getting the most from your personnel.

Change is imminent | Legal commercial optimisation

Barclays has been in the midst of a two-year programme of change, focused on introducing transparency to the legal function regarding its costs and commercial performance for the business. GC caught up with general counsel Bob Hoyt’s chief of staff, Alison Gaskins, at the bank’s headquarters in London to learn how this process has played out and where to from here.