Hugo Andrés Hinojosa Peláez – GC Powerlist
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Bolivia 2024

Commercial and professional services

Hugo Andrés Hinojosa Peláez

Gerente de asuntos institucionales | Fexpocruz


Bolivia 2024

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Hugo Andrés Hinojosa Peláez

Gerente de asuntos institucionales | Fexpocruz

How do you handle legal aspects during periods of instability or crisis, and how does your legal strategy align with the overall business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

FEXPOCRUZ addresses the management of legal aspects during periods of instability or crisis by first assessing the risks, and we also strengthen internal communication to ensure its effectiveness. Also, the department reviews regulatory compliance daily. 

The legal team evaluates the legal risks that might arise during a crisis. This analysis includes contractual, regulatory, labour, and compliance risks. We adapt internal policies and procedures to mitigate these risks. In some cases, it is necessary to adjust contractual clauses to include force majeure terms or to renegotiate contracts with suppliers. We also ensure that we are updated on any regulatory and legal changes that may emerge due to the crisis. 


What measures has your company taken to incorporate sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel drive and ensure sustainable practices within the company? 

On the one hand, we have established a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) management area within the legal department. We map compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and manage registration in the CSR management system. 

From the Institutional Affairs Management, we promote the development of sustainability projects. We have formed a partnership with the Simón Patiño Foundation to support the Sustainable Walk and the Urban Garden at our company fairs. 


What emerging technologies do you believe will have the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments? 

AI has been a highly useful tool for managing the area. The use of collaborative digital tools has also enabled greater productivity. We have implemented the digitalisation of all of our contract documents, as well as the digital signing of commercial and service contracts. 


How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment? 

51% of the staff in the Institutional Affairs Management team are women. Although this was not planned, we believe that the best form of inclusion is the empowerment of emerging leadership. 


In your opinion, what are the main trends currently relevant in your country (they can be legal, political, economic, or business-related)? 

I believe that challenges related to financial arrangements will be crucial. Legal advice on corporate and financial structuring and the management of crypto-assets and other means of payment and collection could be vital for the continuity of many businesses. 


Hugo Andrés Hinojosa Peláez - Bolivia 2022

Gerente de asuntos institucionales | FEXPOCRUZ

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