Alvaro Muñoz-Reyes Gonzales – GC Powerlist
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Bolivia 2024

Materials and mining

Alvaro Muñoz-Reyes Gonzales

Superintendente legal and cumplimiento | Sinchi Wayra


Bolivia 2024

Recommended Individual

Alvaro Muñoz-Reyes Gonzales

Superintendente legal and cumplimiento | Sinchi Wayra

How do you manage legal matters during periods of instability or crisis, and how does your legal strategy align with the overall business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

During periods of instability or crisis, the management of legal matters must focus on proactive risk identification, legal compliance matrices, and the implementation of mitigation strategies. This requires close collaboration with all business units to ensure that legal responses are swift and effective. Therefore, any legal strategy must be aligned through constant communication with senior management, ensuring that legal decisions support the company’s long-term objectives and contribute to its organisational resilience. 

At all times, the legal strategy must be flexible and adaptable, adjusting legal priorities in response to environmental changes while remaining grounded in the organisation’s mission, values, and commercial and operational objectives. 


What measures has your company taken to incorporate sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the General Counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 

As Sinchi Wayra Mining Group, we are active participants in Global Compact Bolivia, an initiative promoted by the United Nations focused on meeting the 2030 sustainability goals. As the legal and compliance team for Sinchi Wayra Mining Group, we lead the governance working group, driving the development of framework documents that will serve as guidelines for the private sector. 

There is therefore a full commitment to integrating all sustainability practices throughout our Group. 


Alvaro Muñoz-Reyes Gonzales - Bolivia 2023

Superintendente legal y cumplimiento | Sinchi Wayra

Alvaro Muñoz-Reyes is currently 37 years old, holds a Law Degree from the Universidad Católica Boliviana (2010) and two master’s degrees from ESADE – Universidad Ramon Llul (2015). His first...

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