Paola Andrea Carrillo Zuluaga – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2024

Industrials and real estate

Paola Andrea Carrillo Zuluaga

Legal manager | Unilever


Colombia 2024

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Paola Andrea Carrillo Zuluaga

Legal manager | Unilever

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

There is a key message that has helped me as a guide during times of crisis or instability and that I consider to be very well connected to the company’s general business strategy: the goal is not to be the best in the team, but to be the best for the team -from who we are and, specially, from our attitude-. If we face crises by giving our best from our profession and expertise, with a constant willingness to learn, a special sense of empathy, staying open to feedback and fostering our creativity, we may not eliminate storms, but we will help to make them more bearable, and that will be essential for us to continue being part of new projects. Both in the legal and in the company’s strategy, our value is not defined by the achievement of all goals, but by what we do in the path to achieve them. 


What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently?  

Recently, I have participated in transcendental innovations of Pond’s and Savital brands within the Beauty and Wellbeing business unit, providing legal support from their ideation to their launch, including contract negotiations with international talents. In the personal care category, I have led the local legal strategy for Rexona and its participation in world-class sporting events, and for Dove, which maintains its constant commitment to promote the confidence and self-esteem of consumers. Moreover, I have contributed to the portfolio renewal of Fab (detergents) and Aromatel (fabric softener) within the home care division; and in the nutrition team, I have accompanied Fruco and Maizena in their Colombian regulatory adaptation (according to the most recent labeling regulations) and in their constant campaigns to approach Colombian consumers. From the customer development perspective, I have led the legal relationship with customers of all channels in Colombia, and from an administrative point of view, I have maintained my role as a member of the board of directors of Unilever Peru, participating directly in the definition of their local business strategy. 


What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the emerging technology that I believe will have the most significant impact on the legal profession. In our company, we greatly value the challenges that AI has for us and that is why we seek to keep updated in this area, not only by creating internal guides on its ethical, secure, and responsible use, but also by receiving trainings on how to use them in our favor. As an example of the above, lawyers at Unilever are becoming more and more familiar with tools such as co-counsel, an AI application that facilitates various activities related to the legal field and that allows us to review documents, extract information from contracts, summarise extensive legal documents and even make summaries of meetings. Considering this experience and my interest in properly incorporating AI into my legal work, I have participated in the creation of the first Artificial Intelligence guide in Colombia that is being created by the National Association of Advertisers, of which Unilever is a member. 



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