WPP Legal Team – GC Powerlist
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United Kingdom Teams 2024

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WPP Legal Team



United Kingdom Teams 2024


Recommended Team


Team size:  164 



What significant projects or deals has the legal team worked on in the past year?  Can you provide examples of successful outcomes or major accomplishments?  


We are fortunate to have passionate in-house lawyers who are well versed in areas that are critical to WPP’s operations and success. We work in close collaboration with the business and would highlight our standout projects for 2023/24 relating to AI (including generative AI) and Anti-Green Washing (both of which have received positive acknowledgement from external communities as we are viewed by many as pioneers in these complex areas). 

In conjunction with our IT, CTO and business colleagues, the Commercial, Legal & Business Affairs legal team created an AI traffic light risk map that empowers the business to assess the latest generative AI platforms on a risk-based approach to ensure our creative output is legally compliant and ethical.  


The risk map provides pragmatic, up to date, guidance ensuring we are mindful of use and handling of our data, and that of our clients. Our legal infrastructure includes regular in-house training and guidance to the in-house team and the business. This structure permits transparent use of AI, using only reliable and safe platforms where data is introduced consciously, and the output has been through clearance and is ethically produced.  


In an industry where AI is evolving rapidly the legal team is ensuring caution is applied in a measured and necessary manner, without hindering the wider business objectives. 


We introduced a series of masterclasses for the business, designed to support them with our clients’ desire to articulate the sustainability actions they are taking and to ensure they are communicating these in a way that is fair and accurate and reflects their true impact. 

The legal team established the WPP Green Claims Principles that highlight how to spot greenwashing in real-life case studies and rulings. We have been congratulated on our practical approach to what is a very complicated area – to the extent where clients have asked us to run sessions for them internally such is the credibility of our content. 



Can you sum up the team culture or ethos? 


We are an authentic, inclusive, and multi-disciplinary team that is aligned with, and embedded into, the business, supporting the safe production of innovative and diverse work for our clients. 

This has been developed by performing an ambitious internal legal transformation programme that delivered synergies of skills, locations, and systems. We have created a consolidated legal team that can now work across Agencies and specialisms which in turn provides the business with continuity and consistency of strategic approach. This is integral as we address the compelling movements in our industry such as generative AI. 


Apart from legal matters, has the team worked on other company initiatives? 

We have a unique structure within the legal function at WPP. Our remit extends to the Sustainability team, the Company Secretary office and governance, Business Integrity function as well as Crisis Management and Business Resilience and Security Assurance.  

This structure lends itself to our direct involvement in numerous company initiatives regarding compliance, regulatory, disputes, right to speak and sustainability matters. 


How does the legal team collaborate with other departments within the company?  


We are an embedded function within the business – where our strategic goals and the services we provide are aligned. We guide colleagues in associated functions such as Procurement, HR, Finance, Internal Audit and IT on daily matters. 


How does the team stay updated with changing regulations or sanctions, ensure compliance, and handle legal landscape or industry trends?  


We have a robust balance of external expert inputs ranging from reputable partner firms, publications, and organisations and internal knowledge sources that we utilise to receive and update colleagues on the latest legislative, regulatory and compliance movements. Our leadership team members are proactive in each of their areas of expertise and are accountable to provide regular internal updates and training to the team and the wider business on changes within the law as they relate to our industry.  

In addition, we have deployed carefully chosen technology solutions to support the business – e.g., Nexis Diligence+ (a comprehensive sanctions and watchlist due diligence platform for the whole WPP Group). 

We are purposeful in how we recruit and ensure that specialist roles, such as compliance, M&A, Employment, Commercial, Corporate and Disputes are fulfilled by experts in these fields. 




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