Harje Kjellberg – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024

Sports and media

Harje Kjellberg

Vice president of business and legal affairs | Lantica Studios


Dominican Republic 2024


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Harje Kjellberg

Vice president of business and legal affairs | Lantica Studios

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

We consider that crisis are opportunities that help us to more promptly adapt our strategies and operations, both in the legal department and in the corporation as whole. Last year, during the SAG/WGA strikes that drastically affected the film industry worldwide, we began implementing AI and other modern tools to improve our processes. Results have been successful, and the corporation and its stakeholders are very satisfied with the progress and its future for our industry.    


What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently?  

Negotiating with MGM and Amazon Prime the making of “Road House”, with production services and studio services by Lantica Studios in the Dominican Republic. It became the most streamed feature in the history of the platform. We’ve also been involved in negotiations with MGM about the making of season one of “Hotel Cocaine”, a Chris Brancato (‘Narcos’) TV series to be streamed on MGM+. Our Dominican feature “La Hembrita” has been nominated as best Ibero-American feature for Ariel Awards. Mutually agreed termination of the long-term collaboration between Lantica Studios and the Pinewood Group. 



In your opinion, what are the main trends that are salient in your country currently (these can be legal, political, economy or business-based)?  

The Dominican Republic is developing at a very accelerated pace. The concept of “near-shoring” is transforming the nation from being a touristic island in the centre of the Caribbean, to becoming a regional industrial powerhouse. In fact, it is leading a very productive path that transcends all aspects of public and private life. All relevant social, political and economic parameters show very vibrant growth at an unprecedented rate. This has been acknowledged by international publications and organisations.  


As a result, the social fabric is developing and new and modern industries are growing, creating bigger and more complex investment opportunities. The young, bilingual and talented population is eager to participate in new ventures, and to experience new challenges. This is reflected in the orange economy, and the film industry in particular, which is gaining momentum and becoming a relevant industry, due to both its local productions and the international projects produced locally. 


Harje Kjellberg - Dominican Republic 2023

Vice president of business and legal affairs | Lantica Media

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Harje Kjellberg - Dominican Republic 2022

Business and legal affairs director | Lantica Media

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