Pamela Orquidea de los Santos Franco – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024


Pamela Orquidea de los Santos Franco

Legal and compliance manager | UC – United Capital Puesto de Bolsa


Dominican Republic 2024

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Pamela Orquidea de los Santos Franco

Legal and compliance manager | UC – United Capital Puesto de Bolsa

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 


During periods of instability, the legal team works closely with all departments to anticipate potential issues, assess critical risks, and provide proactive, fast, and creative solutions, maintaining a flexible approach. This collaboration ensures the legal team understands the specific needs and concerns of each department, allowing for tailored legal solutions that support the overall strategy. Moreover, for brokerage firms, strong communication with local regulators and service providers is essential, as they play a key role in maintaining stability. This contributes to the firm’s resilience, highlighting the team’s commitment to the company’s stability and reputation. 


What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 


Recently, we played a key role in structuring significant corporate bond issuances totalling over US$2 billion. These transactions had their own complexities and required meticulous legal planning and execution to ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements. We coordinated with various stakeholders, including financial advisors and regulators, to ensure a smooth and successful transaction, providing robust legal support for sophisticated financial instruments. Additionally, the team has advised on cybersecurity and technology matters, successfully negotiating a Data Loss Prevention Agreement with a major international player. This agreement enhances security, privacy, and compliance with local regulations. Its implementation not only impacts the company’s procedures but also fosters greater awareness among employees about data privacy. We also worked on the legal structure for implementing electronic invoicing within the firm and its integration with the company’s new ERP system. This involved ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, drafting and reviewing contracts, and collaborating with IT and finance teams for seamless integration. By aligning the legal framework with operational and regulatory needs, we facilitated a smooth transition to electronic invoicing, improving efficiency and accuracy in financial operations. 


What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments? 


Emerging technologies such as data science tools and artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly impact the legal profession in the near future. These technologies save time on various tasks, allowing a focus on more complex areas. AI tools are automating routine compliance procedures; for instance, we have recently developed a tool that conducts due diligence across multiple sources within seconds. Predictive analytics, another application of data science, helps lawyers forecast outcomes and develop better strategies based on data patterns. 

To stay updated, we engage in contract negotiations with service providers and collaborate with IT and data science teams to understand and mitigate legal risks associated with these technologies. We also prioritise maintaining data from recent cases to keep pace with rapid changes. 


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Pamela De Los Santos Franco

Legal and compliance manager

UC – United Capital Puesto de Bolsa

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Pamela De Los Santos Franco

Legal and compliance manager

UC – United Capital Puesto de Bolsa

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