Paola Guerrero – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024

Materials and mining

Paola Guerrero

Ethics and compliance director | Grupo Estrella


Dominican Republic 2024

Recommended Individual

Paola Guerrero

Ethics and compliance director | Grupo Estrella

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

At Grupo Estrella, our business strategy is closely aligned with all departments, as regular weekly meetings ensure that the company’s targets are clearly communicated. The President maintains transparency, and during crises, such as the pandemic, he takes the lead to ensure everyone moves in the same direction. 

Legal matters are managed in-house, and even during challenging periods, we maintain a strict commitment to ethical standards. Cutting corners is never an option. Management has repeatedly demonstrated that, even when the strategy needs to be refocused or some projects delayed, we have the capacity to be resilient. In fact, after each crisis, the company has consistently emerged stronger. 

Handling legal aspects properly is crucial, especially during times of instability, as this ensures that the organisation can recover smoothly and without further complications. Constant communication with senior management is invaluable during such situations, ensuring that legal strategies are aligned with overall business goals and that all decisions are well-informed. 

 What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 

Recently, I have been involved in significant financial agreements with banks to structure a major greenfield project. This required the drafting of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) agreements, alongside conducting thorough due diligence and collaborating with foreign consortiums. 

These projects demand a highly strategic legal approach to ensure that all agreements are compliant with both local and international regulations, safeguarding the company’s interests while ensuring smooth operational processes. 

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment? 

Diversity and inclusion are top priorities, not only within the legal department but throughout the company. Training and communication are key to promoting these values. Our Code of Ethics and internal policies play a vital role in ensuring a work environment that fosters inclusivity. Collaboration with Human Resources has also been crucial in making sure these principles are embedded across the organisation. 

Our communication campaigns, especially those aimed at the operations workforce (which comprises 80% of our group), have been effective in raising awareness about the importance of equality and inclusivity. These campaigns strongly emphasise zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment, promoting a culture of respect. 

Visual messaging across the company, along with an open-door policy for complaints, has encouraged transparency. The Ethics Helpline is always available, and I make it a point to personally receive any concerns. 

Setting an example within the department and encouraging the same from other areas has proven to be one of the most effective ways to promote diversity and inclusion across the company. 



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