Camila Virginia Rodríguez Capellá – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Camila Virginia Rodríguez Capellá

Legal manager Dominican Republic | Cerveceria Nacional Dominicana


Dominican Republic 2024

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Camila Virginia Rodríguez Capellá

Legal manager Dominican Republic | Cerveceria Nacional Dominicana

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

We lead different Crisis Management Committees, which are responsible for identifying all the aspects that holistically impact each area of our operation. Concomitantly, all legal aspects that imply either a risk or a benefit due to this crisis are verified and from this, a strategy is drawn up that transversally supports each area of the operation, both preventively and reactively.

What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 

Contracts of more than 50 million dollars on constructions to optimise our operation, transactions that support the social commitment of our company such as production with clean energy, strategic alliances that have supported the cashless of our clients among others that have guaranteed the digital transformation of our business. 

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?  

As I mentioned previously, we migrated our production to 100% clean energy, becoming the first brewery in the Caribbean to produce in this way. Additionally, we have various support programs for waste collection, community support, education on sustainable practices, among others, all supported from a legal perspective and the monitoring of both local and international regulations that allow us to innovate in the face of our social and commitment. the development of sustainable practices.

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