Maria Francesca Portincasa – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2024

Consumer products

Maria Francesca Portincasa

Head of Legal | Automobili Lamborghini


Italy 2024

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Maria Francesca Portincasa

Head of Legal | Automobili Lamborghini

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

Resilience is the key word for legal in our environment. With my team, we try to be always updated and to provide a service with the aim of supporting the business. During instability or crises, we need to ensure the strictest compliance with the applicable legislation but, at the same time, try to find the way to support the business and fulfil the needs of the factory. We see any change as a challenge and a way to improve ourselves and grow professionally. During tough times, it is important to be aligned with the different business units and areas to act quickly and efficiently, knowing in advance their needs and future projects. Thanks to good relationships with people, we are able to intervene at an early stage and to provide guidance instead of working ex post.  


 What are the main cases or transactions that you have been involved in recently? 

As a multinational company, we are dealing with different issues worldwide. Most of the cases are confidential or still subject to legal privilege, but we can mention a multi-jurisdiction case of fraud and trademark infringement, the review and update of all the contractual documents for our connected service in the vehicles, and a review of content creator and influencer agreement in the light of the recent development in Italy. 


How have you integrated technology into your legal processes, and what impact has this had on efficiency and compliance?  

We have introduced AI software for contract management and storage, and it provides important support to the daily business as well as facilitation in the archiving of documents. The AI is learning from our standard and we can immediately detect deviation or clauses that we usually do not accept quickly. The potential of AI in the legal field is great and we are proud to have been among the first in the company to use such technology.  


What role does the legal department play in promoting and ensuring corporate social responsibility in your organisation?  

As a legal team, we need to be a role model also for corporate social responsibility. For this reason, we are working very closely with the interested departments, providing the maximum support in alignment with our compliance.  

Maria Francesca Portincasa - Italy 2022

Head of legal | Automobili Lamborghini

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Maria Francesca Portincasa - Italy 2018

Legal services | Automobili Lamborghini

Maria Francesca Portincasa brings her strong background in international studies and her knowledge of competition law to multinational renowned manufacturer of luxury super sports cars, Automobili Lamborghini. Serving in this...

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