Jessica Meloni – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2024

Transport and infrastructure

Jessica Meloni

Head of legal department | CEVA Logistics


Italy 2024

Recommended Individual

Jessica Meloni

Head of legal department | CEVA Logistics

Team size: eight     


How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?   

First, I am going to identify any risk and ensure all the departments and functions are involved and committed, creating a dedicated task force (if not already in place), to fix the issue, and safeguard the company.  

Moreover, once created the task force, I am going to arrange periodical meetings or calls with them to update each other, checking that the potential major risks are under control and the issue is constantly monitored, as well as to ensure the business is aligned with the legal vision, and is safeguarded. The periodical meeting allowed us to communicate properly, not being out of control.  

Finally, I ascertain that all the advisors specialised in the matter have been properly appointed, to have a more technical vision and perspective in the resolution of the issue.  


What are the main cases or transactions that you have been involved in recently?   

As main activities where I am recently involved, there are:  

Major litigation, including also the not-yet judicial litigation. In such cases, my main goal is to prevent the judicial litigation before Court, applying all my negotiation skills to settle the case, if helpful.  

Management of the Integration process of a new group of significant size (last year we acquired another group as well). In this context, I learnt to be a bridge amongst all the departments, but also companies, and I honed my cross-functional communications’, and project management’ skills at any level (local, Europe, and Global).  

Negotiation of significant freight forwarding agreements at global level related to ocean business, increasing my technical skills on ocean law, and the ability to communicate with the customers at global level.  

Compliance activities, to keep ensuring the adhering to the rules in line with the market practices/best practices, and the applicable law.  


What do you see as the major legal challenges for businesses in Italy over the next five years, and how are you preparing to address them? 

The major legal challenges are the hyper regulation and the artificial intelligence.  

Regarding the hyper regulation, the risk is to have a legal context too complex and overloaded, where there are more doubts than clear rules, with, moreover, the significant risk of increasing the litigations cases.  

About the artificial intelligence, the role of the legal will be severely tested, and it will change. The major challenge is to learn to know the artificial intelligence, for creating an added value, not being defeated from that. I am preparing myself through discussions with other professionals and other technical experts, studying, deepening the topics, expanding my knowledge and strengthening my background. 







Jessica Meloni - Italy 2023

Head of legal department | CEVA Logistics Italia

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Jessica Meloni

Head of legal department

CEVA Logistics Italia

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