Roberto Schiavelli – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2024

Industrials and real estate

Roberto Schiavelli

Head of legal | DeA Capital Real Estate


Italy 2024

Recommended Individual

Roberto Schiavelli

Head of legal | DeA Capital Real Estate

Team size:  19  


How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

During these periods, we manage legal aspects through an ongoing training on new legal and regulatory issues and through the opportunity to innovate us by structuring new and different products. Whereas, to ensure the organisation’s resilience the legal department coordinates with the other functions. 


What are the main cases or transactions that you have been involved in recently?  

Setting up of several new AIFs, including the establishment of the first AIF under Luxembourg law, i.e. a Luxembourg SCA organised as a SICAV and qualifying as a RAIF with a build to core strategy, which has the SGR as external manager of the RAIF. Also, the closing of an AIF Family and its first AIF which has its asset in Rome that will be affected by a renovation project and will be converted into residential use and the closing of another AIF dedicated to professional investors which was a very challenging process, also considering that the main investor is a well-known company based in Miami. In addition, the SGR participated in extraordinary merger operation between two AIFs in order to optimise assets and administrative processes and also acted as advisor for one of the first securitisation projects in Italy in the real estate sector.   



How do you measure the impact of ESG initiatives on the company’s overall performance and reputation?  


The ESG matters have a relevant impact on our day-by-day activities. We have integrated the related drivers into our internal investment policies to improve value creation and corporate growth in the mid-long term. We also have aligned our structure by establishing an ESG Function. Our SGR has established and manages several AIFs pursuant to art. 8 SFDR. Our company, leader in the sector, must use its own expertise, products, services and relations to support and accelerate the changes that are fundamental for our economy and necessary to achieve shared prosperity for both current and future generations. For this reason, we firmly believe that incorporating ESG factors in our investments and products is the winning choice for a sustainable future. 


How have you integrated technology into your legal processes, and what impact has this had on efficiency and compliance?  

Profiles related to technological developments, cybersecurity and the use of AI are influencing corporate legal processes also for the purposes of respecting the regulation of supervised entities, such as the SGR. 


What role does the legal department play in promoting and ensuring corporate social responsibility in your organisation?  

The legal department plays a key role in ensuring corporate social responsibility and, in particular, provides consulting services to the other functions on legal issues related to the development and proper management of real estate AIFs. It also provides legal opinions on corporate and financial regulatory issues and it deals with the Authorities. 


What do you see as the major legal challenges for businesses in Italy over the next five years, and how are you preparing to address them?  

The entry into force in the coming years of numerous innovative disciplines at European level will represent a new challenge that will impose to rethink the lines of business. As Legal Direction, in addition to following the evolution of legislation, we take care to suggest to our colleagues the potential for development of new products. 



Roberto Schiavelli is the general counsel and board secretary of DeA Capital Real Estate, the asset management company leader in Italy, specialised in real estate mutual funds. 

He is the chairman of the regulatory committee of confindustria assoimmobiliare – association of the Italian real estate industry and the legal affairs manager of the ROMA Regeneration Foundation. 

He graduated in Law from LUISS University in Rome. 

He previously conducted research at Ceradi – the LUISS Corporate law research centre and collaborated with the chair of comparative private law at the Faculty of Law of La Sapienza, Tor Vergata and LUISS Universities in Rome, as well as with the chair of commercial law at the Faculty of Economics of LUISS University. 

Since 1996, he has collaborated with Italian and international law firms, and he worked at legal department of Assoreti – Association of Investment Advisory Companies. 

He is the author of several publications on financial markets and intermediaries. 

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