Filippo Galluccio – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2024

Telecommunication services

Filippo Galluccio

Head of legal | Vodafone Italia


Italy 2024

Recommended Individual

Filippo Galluccio

Head of legal | Vodafone Italia

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

As head of legal, I face the challenge of guiding my team and, more broadly, the organisation by influencing top management in an environment that is not only becoming “V.U.C.A.” but, at times, also “B.A.N.I.” This situation is further complicated by the ongoing pressure for cost reduction imposed on the legal function, which requires us to do more with less. 

In this context, it is essential for the legal team members to be fully aligned with the Company’s goals, particularly regarding priorities, risk management approaches, and the use of technology. They must also be empowered to make decisions and react swiftly to new challenges within their areas of responsibility. 

I achieve this by fostering a psychologically safe culture where team members are encouraged to take risks and innovate. I also conduct regular meetings—both one-on-one and among the team, as well as with other functions—to ensure alignment, create continuous learning opportunities, and improve our ways of working. 

Additionally, I have focused on developing team members into “broad and deep” lawyers—professionals capable of understanding a wide range of legal activities while possessing a deep comprehension of the issues involved. These lawyers can communicate not only legal matters but also aspects of process management and technology. 

Finally, I have worked at the organisational level to focus the team on high-risk and strategic legal work, promoting a legal risk culture within the Company rather than concentrating solely on handling paperwork. I have also empowered “internal clients” to manage large recurring contracting operations—such as contracts with business customers, agents, franchisees, and suppliers—without needing to involve Legal by design, while ensuring compliance with legal policies and guidelines. These guidelines have been radically simplified to emphasise key terms from a legal design perspective. This approach allows the company’s operations to become less dependent on the Legal Department, thereby increasing the organisation’s resilience. 


What are the main cases or transactions that you have been involved in recently?  

I have been involved in several key initiatives, including the sale of Vodafone Italia to Swisscom, which encompassed asset and business carve-outs, indemnities and representations/warranties, and Golden Power approvals, as well as post-merger integration planning within the Legal Department. 

I played a significant role in winning strategic public tenders issued by Consip S.p.A., notably the “Telefonia Mobile 9” tender, which comprises all mobile services for the public administration in Italy, involving approximately 1.4 million SIM cards, and the “Lan 8” tender, which covers the installation of local connectivity networks for public administration. 

Additionally, I was involved in key deals related to innovative services for business customers, such as Mobile Virtual Private Networks for SNAM and Porsche. 

I also facilitated the shift from a “cost-plus” to a “commercial” model (PQQooS) for the sourcing of intercompany services by Vodafone Italia from the Group, in line with the partnership with Accenture announced in November 2023. This transition will enable Vodafone to offer “Telco to Telco” services. 


How have you integrated technology into your legal processes, and what impact has this had on efficiency and compliance?  

I am developing pilots for the use of generative AI in contracts, primarily focusing on the generation of drafts and service schedules for business products. This initiative complements the legal technology already embedded in the platforms currently in use, such as advanced Contract Lifecycle Management systems with business intelligence capabilities. These technologies have been instrumental in driving standardisation, enhancing productivity, and enabling us to meet the full-time equivalent (FTE) and operational expenditure (opex) savings mandated by the Company’s budget.  


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