Ernesto Villar – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2024

Consumer products

Ernesto Villar

Gerente Jurídico Corporativo | Innovasport


Mexico 2024

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Ernesto Villar

Gerente Jurídico Corporativo | Innovasport

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

During periods of instability or crises, our approach focuses on fostering strong relationships with strategic partners. This collaboration provides essential support and insights, helping us navigate challenges effectively. Our legal strategy is designed to align seamlessly with the broader business strategy, ensuring organisational resilience. By prioritising open communication and teamwork, we can adapt quickly to changing circumstances and make informed decisions that protect the company’s interests. We emphasise risk management and compliance, ensuring our actions support the company’s long-term goals. This integrated approach helps us maintain business continuity and drive strategic initiatives, even in difficult times. 


What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 

Recently, I have been involved in several significant transactions that have had a substantial impact on our company. One key transaction was a major financing contract that provided us with considerable capital to support our operations and growth. Another important transaction involved the partial acquisition of a company, which required extensive due diligence and strategic negotiation to ensure smooth integration and enhance our market position. These experiences underscore our commitment to achieving stability and growth through careful and thoughtful decision-making. 


What strategies do you employ to ensure the successful digital transformation of a legal department while maintaining compliance with Mexico’s data protection laws? 

To ensure the successful digital transformation of our legal department, we are integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into our workflows. Over the next few years, AI will be essential for managing and interpreting large volumes of data, enabling more informed decision-making. General counsel will need to develop strong business knowledge and technical skills to navigate this evolving landscape. Adaptability is crucial as AI and other technologies continuously reshape legal practices. We prioritise collaboration across departments, working closely with IT and other units to implement these technologies. By embracing AI, we aim to enhance operational efficiency and foster innovative solutions that support the company’s strategic goals. Ensuring compliance with Mexico’s data protection laws is a top priority, and we adhere to legal standards to provide robust data security and privacy measures. 


How can general counsel foster a corporate culture that supports ESG principles and compliance across all levels of the organisation? 

Fostering a corporate culture that supports ESG principles and compliance requires a committed and strategic approach. Our company has integrated sustainability into its core operations through a comprehensive ESG strategy, focusing on waste reduction, GHG emissions, and water management. A dedicated management board and committed staff work diligently to align with these goals. I have contributed to this commitment by collaborating closely with shareholders and the management board. My experience working with an NGO for several years has instilled in me a strong dedication to sustainability and social issues. This background has been instrumental in advancing sustainable practices within our organisation, ensuring that our efforts are both comprehensive and impactful. By embedding ESG principles into our corporate culture, we ensure that these values are embraced at all levels of the organisation, promoting long-term success and compliance.



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