Armando Torres – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Armando Torres

Legal vice president and general counsel | PepsiCo International México


Mexico 2024

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Armando Torres

Legal vice president and general counsel | PepsiCo International México

Can you discuss your or your company’s efforts relating to renewability, sustainability, or other environmentally-friendly activities?  

We have a robust program with very clear objectives.  


Why are in-house lawyers well-placed to drive change in their organisations?   

As in-house lawyers, we have a global vision, working on innovation, transformation, technology, digitisation in order to attend the priorities that the world request. It helps the organisations to be faster, stronger and better.    


It can be challenging to measure a company’s track record in environmentally friendly behavior. What, in your opinion, has mostly been missed in discussions about how green a company is?  

In my opinion it is a value of the organisations, it not only a government responsibility. In our case we have solid initiatives to contribute with the environment and sustainability. The world needs the collaboration of the total industry, because I can see that only the transnational companies have the commitment to the ESG standards.    





Armando Torres - Green Mexico 2024

Legal vice president and general counsel | PepsiCo International

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Armando Torres

Legal vice president and general counsel

PepsiCo International

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