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Mexico Teams 2017


| BanBajío


Mexico Teams 2017

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Banco del Bajío (known as BanBajío) has established itself as one of the most renowned banks in Mexico and Latin America. With a strong focus on social responsibility, the bank has also been the national leader in granting credits to the agricultural sector, being recognised on two occasions by the National Agriculture Council as a great business of supplies and services. The legal team has contributed to this recognition in ample ways, continuously adding value to the business by maintaining an important presence in business studies credits. Rafael O. Romo Aguiñaga, the business legal director, says: ‘Each business segment has relevancy in the generation of positive results, which is why we try to be attentive in the requirements that may present themselves and to have the capacity to answer adequately to the demands of the sector’. Furthermore, a comprehensive process is put into the selection of attorneys, one that is based on competency and abilities both personal and professional, ensuring the adoption of high ethical standards as well as sound legal knowledge. The legal department is made up of 42 lawyers, of which 21 are men and 21 are women. Aguiñaga admits, ‘this balance of gender within the team is part of the success of our team. The average age of the managers is 40 years and those that are legal executives is 35 years. This is a group of young members who have demonstrated stability for their low rotation and with potential to develop; but, also the experience and capacity to offer the legal support required to guarantee that we are prepared to cover the growth, volume and complex legal transactions that Banco del Bajío undertakes’. The legal team has also had considerable input into Banco del Bajío’s success related to project finance, destined for the development of infrastructure projects. Aguiñaga says, ‘I consider our fundamental responsibility is to facilitate the management of businesses, control the legal risks implicit to each transaction and prevent any conflict that may present itself in the future. In that measure, the impact that generates our activity in running the banking business is an efficient support in accomplishing our institutional objectives’.

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