Brenda Hernández Velázquez – GC Powerlist
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Mexico Rising Stars 2024


Brenda Hernández Velázquez

Deputy corporate legal director | Financiera Independencia


Mexico Rising Stars 2024

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Brenda Hernández Velázquez

Deputy corporate legal director | Financiera Independencia

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

A significant case has been the management and adaptation of new digital forms in order for us to remain at the forefront in the granting of loans ranging from the promotion of the products (loans) offered by the company to the general public, through social networks, investment in digital transformation to convert to biometric technology, where the relationship we have with the providers of these services has been challenging in the sense that some of them are from different countries and so are not familiar with our sector. We are experts in micro-finance and that pursuant to our corporate purpose we grant credits, most of which are similar to the services offered by banks in Mexico, which in order for us to maintain a commercial relationship, require that we meet certain requirements that we are not legally obliged or are even unable to comply with, because they do not apply to our sector. Our legal team has been developing new skills regarding this situation so that they can inform the suppliers of the differences between the two sectors and this reach trade agreements that benefit both parties.

In addition, the regulation of most of these providers is more favorable in their countries of origin and, considering the laws that apply to us, reaching legislatively flexible agreements and understandings to ensure legal and contractual legal certainty to the company is difficult.

One of the points that has helped our legal team a lot, is that being a company that trades on the stock exchange that fully complies with the legal obligations applicable to corporate securities, it allows not only the investing public, but also providers and counter parties to observe that we are a stable company and more credible than a private company, thus allowing us to grow their portfolios with us as clients and for us to provide services based on our strategic vision.

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

It is very important for the company to have efficient departments; therefore, an example of an innovation that we implemented in the legal team was the use of office software and a tool designed for the management of activities and the administration of legal projects, either individually or collectively, which increases our company’s productivity. This tool allows us to manage any type of legal project and workflow, as well as to supervise lawyers’ activities.

What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why?

One of my main objectives is and has been to promote the growth and development of the people in my team by creating a positive, reliable and healthy work environment, in which all members are treated equally and regardless of the gender or interests of each. This is achieved by following strategies, such as instilling respect, applauding recognition, adapting flexibility, promoting team building and labour diversity, being a good leader and making the best use of technology.

Brenda Hernández Velázquez - Mexico Rising Stars 2023

Deputy corporate legal director | Financiera Independencia

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