LG Electronics México – GC Powerlist
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Mexico Teams 2017

LG Electronics México

| LG Electronics México


Mexico Teams 2017


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LG Electronics México


One of the world’s premier consumer electronics companies, LG’s impressive arsenal of televisions, home appliances and other high-tech products is in high demand across the globe. LG’s legal team in Mexico is headed by legal and compliance officer Guillermo Resendiz, who organises and oversees a team of three that has made steady improvement to working processes over the past two years. In particular, the adoption of an automated system to organise ‘loan documents, contracts and implementation of the Legal Service System’, has led to a major increase in the efficiency of the team’s work. The department has also spearheaded the adoption of master contracts, which has gone some way to mitigating the risks inherent in contract work. The most common challenges faced by the team is ‘regulatory, economic and political changes’, which require ‘constant updates’ on the part of the team, forcing them to remain versatile in their response to external factors. Team leader Resendiz is respected as a ‘superb professional’ who has successfully created a proficient and welcoming atmosphere within the department. Similarly, legal counsel Ahiram Barbosa has been praised for having ‘made a significant change among the organisation’, and is a ‘very result-oriented’ individual. The mentality of the legal team has undoubtedly been a major factor in the company’s successes over the past two years. Highlights for the team have included its investigation into and prevention of parallel imports of the company’s products into Mexico, effectively cutting off a significant area of lost revenue for LG.

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