thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (México) – GC Powerlist
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Mexico Teams 2017

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (México)

| thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (México)


Mexico Teams 2017

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thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (México)

Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (México) - Mexico Teams 2019

| Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (México)

ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions México, a major force in the Mexican industrial manufacturing sector, has a high quality in-house legal team led by Mexico and Central America legal director Rodrigo Pérez...

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On 1 April 2014 thyssenkrupp Uhde Mexico and Polysius of Mexico merged into a single company to form thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions Mexico. As thyssenkrupp is still headquartered in Germany, Mexican legal director Rodrigo Pérez Elizundia is also a member of both the North American and German legal teams. Speaking on this collaboration he says: ‘We assist each other whenever a legal matter or transaction requires’. With numerous subsidiaries in every continent, over 12,500 employees and 3,000 plants; this fusion has created a new platform of synergies, learning and exchange of experiences for the Mexican legal team. The team has the ability to handle projects of a previously unattainable size, for example the recent merger of four companies in Mexico and several important dispute resolution cases. The legal team is also able to provide comprehensive support for the range of businesses in Mexico and other Latin American countries within a complex plant design and construction industry. The legal team navigate these projects in part with great attention to internal clients and the need for external advice when necessary. Elizundia explains that this is ‘achieved through hard internal work and efficient management of different law firms’.

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Rodrigo Pérez Elizundia

Legal director

ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions (México)

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Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (México)

Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (México)

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Rodrigo Pérez Elizundia

Legal director

ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions (México)

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