Lara Coker – GC Powerlist
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Africa 2015

Lara Coker

General counsel/general manager external communications | Shoreline Natural Resources


Africa 2015

Recommended Individual

Lara Coker

General counsel/general manager external communications | Shoreline Natural Resources

Lara Coker - Africa 2017

Head of legal/external communications | Shoreline Natural Resources

Since 2013, Lara Coker has led the provision of legal advice and management of the legal framework for Nigerian exploration business Shoreline Power Company in the role of general counsel....

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Managing legal and external communications for the Nigerian exploration company, Lara Coker is praised for her strong business acumen. For some, one of her greatest achievements at Shoreline has been her move to firmly embed legal into the decision-making process at an earlier stage.

Throughout her varied career, Coker has continually proven her versatility and capacity to master complex technical issues. She previously provided regulatory advice to diverse businesses across Arthur Andersen (now KPMG) and is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria.

Coker has forged a strong reputation in Nigeria’s superior courts, and was appointed as a notary public by the Chief Justice of Nigeria in 1998.


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