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Peru Teams 2019

Parque Arauco

| Parque Arauco


Peru Teams 2019

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Parque Arauco

The five-person team managing the Colombian legal affairs of Parque Arauco, a large Latin American shopping mall company, has had a fundamental impact on the corporate strategy of the business...

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The in-house legal team of Parque Arauco Colombia is made up of four highly trained and talented lawyers, bringing legal guidance and commercial clarity to one of Colombia’s largest retailers....

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Creativity, coupled with the unrelenting drive to solve even the most complex of legal issues, are two defining features that characterise Parque Arauco’s industry-leading legal team. These qualities come in...

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The legal team of Parque Arauco provides legal services in support of nine operating malls and two projects. The department is led by legal deputy manager Eduardo Incio, who is supported by three lawyers. Estefania Cajo, a senior lawyer with more than five years of experience in the real estate business, supports Incio as do Ana Lucia Rodriquez and Edmundo Deville, two junior lawyers who provide counsel on leasing agreements and negotiations on various matters. ‘Team members that come from different industries contribute with a different perspective. Rodriquez and Cajo have the entire know-how of the business and the department has managed to complement such know-how with new ideas, such as more in-house work and redistribution of responsibilities’, says Incio. In 2018, the team managed to save US$150,000 in legal fees by applying a number of rules, primarily only asking for external counsel when necessary and obtaining an efficient management of retainer fees. The team is also encouraged to continuously learn about new industry matters and question the status quo, ‘We dare to learn about new matters and aren’t afraid to ask for help. Every lawyer must have the same amount of work’, says Incio.

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