Telefe – GC Powerlist
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Argentina Teams 2018

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| Telefe


Argentina Teams 2018

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Telefe is an Argentine broadcaster located in Buenos Aires and is also a television network and one of Argentina’s five national television channels. As of November 2016, in a bid to expand its footprint in Latin America, Viacom acquired Telefe Group from the last owner Telefónica de Contenidos. As a result of this transaction, the legal team of Viacom in Argentina (MTV’s operation) and Telefe’s legal team merged its operation under the responsibility of legal vice president, Fernando Varela and currently this team is integrated into Viacom BALA (Business and Legal Affairs).

Well recognised in the market for its efficiency, the team is described as ‘a team fully committed to the entertainment and television content business’. The legal function is made up of seven lawyers, an individual who is in the process of being admitted to the bar, one paralegal and one assistant. Each team member has a specific area of expertise and responsibility; ‘when circumstances require it, we combine these talents to take advantage of its expertise in favour of the company’s goals’ concedes Varela. The team has been closely involved in a number of significant transactions; the sale process of Telefe being one of the most significant operations which involved its active contribution in different steps of the transaction.

The team’s vast skill-set and robust understanding of the sector enabled the smooth execution of the aforementioned deal. ‘We are a team of lawyers with a large background in top-tier law firms of Argentina, thus we took that work culture to the entertainment and television content business’, says Varela.


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