LG Turkey – GC Powerlist
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Turkey Teams 2016

LG Turkey

| LG Turkey


Turkey Teams 2016


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LG Turkey


The legal team at LG Turkey, a subsidiary of the multinational electronics company, operate with autonomy from their headquarters. As the Turkish company is considered to be the leading subsidiary in the Middle East and Africa region, it is necessary for the team to make decisions quickly and accurately. Using their extensive internal expertise the team has had great success in some serious disputes, protecting LG Turkey from potential negative impact. According to Aslı Irmak Acar, head of legal and compliance, the team��s ‘impact can be measured by the lawsuits that we are successful in. In this respect, we finalised a lawsuit with a favourable decision filed against the company and prevented the company from paying $100m’. Recently the team created an internal online system to capture the details of every legal case and contract by authorised LG members to allow stakeholders to track other subsidiaries’ disputes all around the world. Acar herself gave the training to different LG subsidiaries around the world in order to make all legal teams use and register all disputes and contracts in the system. When faced with huge penalties by Turkish authorities, a trend in business at the time, the team successfully defended the claims using the new processes, ultimately getting good results and retaining foreign investor interest.

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