N11.com – Doğuş Planet – GC Powerlist
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Turkey Teams 2018

N11.com – Doğuş Planet

| N11.com - Doğuş Planet


Turkey Teams 2018


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N11.com - Doğuş Planet


N11.com is an online shopping platform operating on an open market basis and owned by Doğuş Group and SK Planet, a South Korean company. N11.com has around 100,00 suppliers and employs some 300 employees. The website has more than eight-and-a-half million subscribers and makes around 55 million products a year. This means a lot of work for its in-house lawyers, which has enabled the legal team to become one of the leading legal affairs departments in the Turkish e-commerce sector. The legal team of N11.com is structured under legal affairs and compliance manager Dilek Akdas Kökenek, who leads the team, and one senior lawyer in managing the other two lawyers and paralegals. The legal affairs and compliance manager is responsible for representing the company before administrative authorities as well as following up lobbying activities in various establishments and in the capital Ankara. The team handles consultancy services, contract management, litigation and compliance projects, and has a high level of knowledge in ITC, e-commerce law, consumer disputes, IPR issues and contract management. The legal team has also become the lead for compliance issues within N11.com and has increased involvement in compliance projects. ‘I am proud to say that as one of the most experienced legal teams in the e-commerce industry we always had the chance to be involved in the projects which are leading the e-commerce industry in Turkey’, says Kökenek.

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