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Turkey Teams 2018

Zorlu Holding

| Zorlu Holding


Turkey Teams 2018


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Zorlu Holding

One of Turkey’s largest corporate groups, Zorlu Holding employs over 26,000 employees across a portfolio of over 60 companies operating in a range of sectors, from textiles to electrical goods....

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One of the biggest corporate groups in Turkey, Zorlu Holding, operates in the areas of textiles, white goods and electronics manufacturing, energy and financial services. Placing a high premium on their contribution to the organisation, the legal team aims to recruit the best candidates to provide services to all business units, and is made up of 16 lawyers and seven paralegals. ‘Our team ethos is devotion, individuality, flexibility, collaboration and client focused outcome. We act as an [internal] law office providing a range of tailor made services for our companies in every aspect of the law and also on the operation side’, says legal director Özlem Gelbal Uluışık. With an increased business potential of the holding companies, the legal team has started to have more involvement in the most integral projects and M&A deals in Turkey as well as all over the world. One example is their participation in organising Zorlu’s bid for the acquisition of Daewoo Electronics, a major Korean home appliances company. This involved taking part in and organising the due diligence process, negotiations and management meetings, and drafting the share purchase agreement proposed to the seller. They also organised Zorlu’s bid for the acquisition of Toshiba Visual Solutions, a major Japanese visual solutions company, attending the negotiations with the seller in Japan, organising the due diligence process and drafting the share purchase agreement proposed to the seller.

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Burak Ismail Okay

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Özlem Uluışık

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