Vice-president and general counsel | Pfizer
Amy Schulman
Vice-president and general counsel | Pfizer
As the brains behind Pfizer’s much-lauded Pfizer Legal Alliance, Amy Schulman’s inclusion here is somewhat inevitable. The alliance, created shortly after she joined the company in 2008, was set up as an alternative to the billable hour and comprises 19 law firms. It has helped paved the way for other similar set-ups, and has attracted much acclaim for Schulman. Peter Calamari of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP praises Schulman for ‘overseeing some pretty innovative changes’, while ‘handling tremendous amounts of litigation’. She has also won plaudits for her dedication to diversity and improving senior level job prospects for women through a number of parity initiatives. Paul Schnell, of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom LLP, says ‘Schulman has become one of a handful of the most influential general counsel in the legal profession. She is a brilliant lawyer and extraordinary leader in addressing legal opportunities and challenges for Pfizer, and bringing changes to the legal profession’.