Legal and government affairs director | Teva Peru
Carlos Bazán Puelles
Legal and government affairs director | Teva Peru
A subsidiary of the Israeli pharmaceutical giant, Teva Peru counts on legal and governmental affairs director Carlos Bazán Puelles to provide the expert legal counsel required to operate in this highly regulated industry. Bazán was previously an associate with Muñiz, Ramírez, Perez-Taiman & Olaya, and also worked as a multi-jurisdiction legal manager for PepsiCo working for the company for over five years in total. On reflection Bazán says that period allowed him to ‘gain great legal experience dealing with different corporate cultures and meet outstanding people’. He moved to Teva Peru in late 2014, and explains the philosophy for organising a legal department that he has put into place here: ‘During my work leading legal departments, I have had to restructure them based on the needs of the company relating to efficiency and productivity. I am strong believer that legal not only has to be a guardian or business partner for the company, but a value creator too, creating and defending value through legal and non-legal activities’.