Lawyer - legal counsel | Cementos Portland
Jorge L. Conde Granados
Lawyer - legal counsel | Cementos Portland
Jorge L. Conde Granados has more than 13 years of proven legal experience, participating in numerous works of strategic corporate planning and contractual investments in Peru and on a global scale. Conde specialises in corporate law, M&As, project finance, arbitration, contractual, corporate and mining law. With extensive experience in the business field, he is currently a lawyer and legal guardian of Cementos Portland, arbitrator of Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del Estado (OSCE), president of Centro de Estudios de Sociedades y Fusiones y Adquisiciones (CEFAS) of The Faculty of Law at Universidad San Martin de Porres and a member of the high level commission in charge of the reforming of the general law of companies of Peru. In his final year at university, at the age of 23, the Ministry of Justice in Peru appointed him as technical secretary of Commission in charge of elaborating a draft laws. He joined Cementos Portland in 2010, a company belonging to the multinational Votorantim Cimentos Brazil and Cementos Bio Chile. During his time at Cementos Portland, Conde has grasped all the requirements and regulations of the cement industry, not only corporate regulation but also sector-specific regulation too. He has additionally worked on the most relevant negotiations and acquisitions that the company has had, ensuring that they are fulfilled according to the law and protection of the shareholders and the administrators of the company. He has also maintained constant communication with the lawyers of the foreign shareholders in order to report the principal shares of Cementos Portland. ‘These situations made me achieve a perfect balance in the competencies of my profession’, he says.