| WIND Hellas Telecommunications (WIND Hellas)
WIND Hellas Telecommunications (WIND Hellas)
‘WIND Hellas’ legal services function is considered nationwide as truly innovative in doing legal work and I’m personally proud that our work in WIND Hellas is being acknowledged as such’, says legal counsel Theodossis Tompras when discussing the team’s achievements, which are now well-known by industry observers. Internally, the team has been involved in the major “Legal Service 360 reorganisation” programme, which served to transform the team from ‘a typical legal function to a truly substantial business partner’ and has allowed the team to ‘handle an incredible amount of legal work with increasingly higher quality of legal services’ recently. The team’s achievements are indeed impressive. ‘WIND Vision, our pay TV offering in Greece, was launched in April 2018 as the first Android TV implementation in the country and one of the very few at EU level’, Tompras says. ‘This was a truly innovative and challenging project. In addition, we acquired 5G spectrum in late 2018, successfully negotiated the first wholesale B2B contract of exclusive rights in Greece in August 2017 and enacted a truly holistic approach to GDPR rather than a merely tick box implementation’. Alongside this, internal team culture has been bolstered and improved from an already extremely positive state. ‘Although truly flexible and supportive of introducing collaborative tools in our work, we are believers in the power of personal relationships. In order for what we are doing to successfully work, it is necessary not only to gather the right professionals around the table but also to share a commonly accepted vision. Only then you can secure that the team will progress toward this common vision and make it a reality. Since the WIND Hellas legal services’ journey these past years was mainly a transformative one, sharing the end vision was paramount for the entire team’, Tompras says.