Telkom Indonesia – GC Powerlist
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Southeast Asia Teams 2018

Telecommunication services

Telkom Indonesia

| Telkom Indonesia


Southeast Asia Teams 2018

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Telkom Indonesia


Telkom Indonesia is a state-owned information and communications technology enterprise and telecommunications network in Indonesia. In addition to being the largest telecommunications services company in the country, it is also one of the Indonesia’s top five companies ranked by market capitalisation. The company’s legal and compliance function is headed by Rudy Agustian, vice president of legal and compliance. Supporting Agustian in the role is a large legal team comprised of some of Indonesia’s top in-house lawyers. The team has been commended for helping the company enter into a number of strategic agreements recently, including supporting a government housing program in 2015 with Perumnas, a state-owned enterprise engaged in housing and settlement. It also gained significant credit for overseeing two important deals in May 2017: firstly, by supporting Kimia Farma, a state-owned producer and supplier of pharmaceuticals, to become a world class digital-based company; secondly, by assisting Schlumberger, a leading oil and gas technology and services company, to create world-class data centre for oil and gas industry players.

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