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Chile Teams 2018

Materials and mining


| Antofagasta


Chile Teams 2018

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With annual revenues in excess of US$4.7bn, Antofagasta is one of the largest companies in Chile, specialising in the mining of copper, gold and molybdenum, a key alloying element in steel and catalysts. It also deals in mineral transport connections from Chile and Bolivia to costal ports of Mejillones and the city of Antofagasta in Chile. The company’s legal team is run by the vice president of legal, Patricio Enei, who joined in 2014 with over 20 years of experience in mining with roles in some of the leading copper mining companies in Chile. The team is credited for working on a number of important company deals such as the recent agreement with Colbun and Minera Zaldivar, which is 50% owned by Antofagasta, that will see the latter become Zaldivar will be the first Chilean company to use 100% renewable energy sources to produce copper.

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