Jean Paul Azaro Silva – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2019

Jean Paul Azaro Silva

Legal head and compliance officer for Chile and Argentina cluster | Alcon Laboratorios Chile


Chile 2019

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Jean Paul Azaro Silva

Legal head and compliance officer for Chile and Argentina cluster | Alcon Laboratorios Chile

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Jean Paul Azaro Silva started working at EY as a legal associate before joining two different law firms Cuevas Abogados and Mackenna and Irarrázaval, Cuchacovich & Paz Abogados. In 2009 he joined Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (Codelco), one of the biggest copper mining companies in the world, as legal head of new business department. After Codelco, in 2013 he joined Roche as legal head and compliance officer for Chile and then moved to Alcon in the same role. Then in June 2018, he became legal head and compliance officer for the Chile and Argentina cluster, which includes Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Azaro Silva identifies that ‘this promotion moulded me as a legal professional in the sense to understand that even I did not know the specific local regulations of all the new countries under my direction, I just needed to know how to manage people, create high performance teams with excellent lawyers in each country, and have a clear and accurate legal view to act as a business partner, no matter what country I am advising’. In the past year, he led the legal team for Alcon as part of the Chile team in the spin-off operation between Alcon and Novartis, in order to create a new independent Alcon. He also participated in the creation of the first Association of Medical Devices in Chile (ADIMECH), created in December 2017, and since then he has been an active member of its board of directors, providing a broad view of the medical devices industry. During his tenure at Alcon Azaro Silva explains he has ‘changed the way the associates perceived the legal and compliance department, so I can approach them in order to give a fresh look of legislation, agreements, policies and guidelines, and not make of the laws and policies, something boring. The associates feel closer to the policies, norms and rules, and feel they can ask whatever they want because they find a good business partner in the legal and compliance department’.

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