Michael Timmermann Slater – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2019

Michael Timmermann Slater

Chief officer of business development and legal affairs | Latin America Power


Chile 2019


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Michael Timmermann Slater

Chief officer of business development and legal affairs | Latin America Power

Michael Timmermann Slater - Chile 2017

Chief legal officer | Latin American Power (LAP)

‘Michael is a general counsel that you wish to interact with when facing sophisticated issues. He is very easy to work with, even when the workload is intense’, a source...

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Listed in the inaugural GC Powerlist: Chile in 2017, Michael Timmermann Slater has continued his upward trajectory in Chile’s in-house legal market. Now, as chief officer of business development and legal affairs of Latin America Power (LAP), he covers M&A, project finance and capital markets, legal affairs, insurance and compliance at the company. LAP’s objective is the creation of a portfolio of electric power generating units through clean sources in Latin American countries. In addition to developing a fully business-oriented legal function driven by value creation, Timmermann has contributed heavily towards LAP’s aims by working on a number of complex and high value deals. To this extent he has led four project finance transactions worth US$470m, two US capital market issuances for US$600m, several M&As and two successfully closed ICC arbitrations in the US and Peru. These transactions include either leading or co-leading a US$350m project financing that included two international export credit agencies for one of the largest wind farms in South America, and a wind bond issuance in the US for US$412m. Excited about contributing towards the future direction of the company, Timmermann shares the following: ‘Being a private equity-backed firm by two of the largest infrastructure funds in Latin America provides the opportunity to work with the best. We are currently working on acquiring a 30% stake in all our operating projects in Peru, all with the proceeds of refinancing those assets’.

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Michael Timmermann Slater

Chief legal officer

Latin American Power (LAP)

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