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Italy Teams 2019

Petronas Lubricants Italy

| Petronas Lubricants Italy


Italy Teams 2019

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Petronas Lubricants Italy


Petronas Lubricants is a global oil lubricant and fluids business with presence in 86 countries across the globe. In Italy, Petronas Lubricants has its headquarters for the European market, the global headquarter for R&D activities and the country is a core point for the company’s functions of manufacturing, marketing and distributing high-end lubricants, transmission, anti-freeze and functional fluids for automobiles, and other industrial equipment. The Italy-based legal team is made up of two members, Europe general counsel Nemio Passalacqua and junior legal counsel Giulia Filattiera, who are both actively involved in the daily activities of the business, as well as in the coordination and supervision of external lawyers across the companies within Europe. Passalacqua handles the top management division and together they manage the relationship with the management team and their respective staffs. The team describes themselves as, ‘a small team with a big vision and strong skills to be a reliable and effective business partner. The lean organisation of the legal department requires innovative, cost effective and efficient solutions that we are putting in place’. Since September 2018, Passalacqua replaced the former general counsel Europe, and the current business model consists of standardisation and alignment with the global procedure and process, internalisation of as many legal activities possible, providing the internal client with direct and internal support and using the external lawyers to support for technical and specific expertise.

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