Fernando Avila-Bavaresco – GC Powerlist
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United States Latin America Specialists 2017

Fernando Avila-Bavaresco

Senior legal counsel for Latin America | ConocoPhillips


United States Latin America Specialists 2017


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Fernando Avila-Bavaresco

Senior legal counsel for Latin America | ConocoPhillips


Fernando Avila-Bavaresco joined ConocoPhillips in Venezuela in 2003 and moved to its Houston, Texas office in 2007. He now serves as senior legal counsel, providing advice to the Latin America exploration and business development units on legal, contractual and regulatory matters. He is spoken of as ‘a great legal counsel and a great guy’ and as ‘one of the most knowledgeable and sharpest counsel in the oil and gas sector operating in Latin America’. Avila-Bavaresco has handled a range of matters in his time with ConocoPhillips, from advising on seismic and drilling activities in Peru to helping to close and deregister entities in a number of Latin American jurisdictions and overseeing major commercial claims and arbitrations. Before joining ConocoPhillips he worked at PDVSA Petroleo Venezuela.

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