Miriam Lewinschal – GC Powerlist
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Sweden 2018

Industrials and real estate

Miriam Lewinschal

General counsel | Infranord


Sweden 2018


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Miriam Lewinschal

General counsel | Infranord

Miriam Lewinschal - Nordics 2015

General counsel | Infranord AB

Miriam Lewinschal joined Infranord AB, the Swedish government enterprise and railway contractor in 2012 after seven successful years at Mannheimer Swartling. Moving to the public sector, Lewinschal has introduced new...

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Miriam Lewinschal joined Swedish railway contractor Infranord in 2012, after seven successful years in private practice at Mannheimer Swartling and the Stockholm District Court, and was promoted to the role of general counsel in 2014. Infranord is the leading railway contractor in the Nordic region, with operations and projects across Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Some of its major projects include the maintenance contracts of the Gothenburg and Stockholm regional railway networks, the largest in Sweden, as well as new projects in Oslo, Ski and the operations and maintenance of the Öresund Bridge that connects Denmark and Sweden. Lewinschal, as general counsel, oversees all legal operations in the company including the negotiation, regulation and operational issues of these contracts and more. She helps mitigate risk by involving lawyers at early stages in projects reducing disputes. In her time as the company’s most senior legal professional, she has also solved a range of already existing disputes. She identifies that she has ‘gained significant knowledge about the group and business and the ability to go beyond the legal matter. The legal department is now accepted as a natural part of the business and its operation. The legal department has been able to increase the business performance of the group’. To do this, she has introduced new ways of working to improve the department’s efficiency working closely with experts specialised in non-legal fields as well as the board and the CEO at Infranord. This has had the result of making the legal department less reactive and more proactive. Lewinschal has also been involved in litigations with the Swedish Transport Administration and has successfully challenged contract award decisions, and is involved in all tenders with a value of more than SEK30m. She has also had an impact through her position on the company management team, being responsible for increasing the company’s efficiency and revenues significantly during her tenure.

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Miriam Lewinschal

General counsel

Infranord AB

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