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Switzerland 2022


Martin Wartmann

Group general counsel and chief compliance officer | Geistlich Pharma AG


Switzerland 2022

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Martin Wartmann

Group general counsel and chief compliance officer | Geistlich Pharma AG

The following interview was conducted during Martin Wartmann’s time as group general counsel and company secretary at Satisloh


What are the most important transactions and litigations that you have been involved in during the last two years?

I planned and orchestrated a joint venture with a tech start-up company, spin-off of a renowned German university, to secure our competitive advantage of the deal. We collaborated with a team of young students and a professor. The final negotiations took place in Cologne. In retrospect, it was quite a challenge to have the business meeting in the middle of carnival but fun at the same time.

We are the market leader in our field and competitors often try to use our cutting-edge technology in their own products without permission. Over the past year, our team successfully defended series of patent infringements on behalf of Satisloh against our competitors and we have successfully sued for damages and prevented further illegal use of our technology.

What impact did the pandemic have on the pharmaceutical and meical technology Industries in Switzerland?

After a short but intense dip at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, Satfisloh suffered enormously as bad as others in the industry, but we had quite a fast recovery.

What “legal tech” products do you currently utilise, and do you foresee implementing more of these in the near future?

We currently only use a contract management tool for our daily task management, but I expect more legal tech to be implemented in our department to increase efficiency while reducing legal spend. In addition, we are planning to look into an AI-based contract review tool and potential other products as well as meeting management software preparing meetings and collaborating with our leadership teams and board of directors.

Martin Wartmann - Switzerland 2015

General Counsel | Selecta Management AG

In charge of the Swiss legal team of Europe’s largest vending services company, Martin cites the biggest achievement of his in-house career so far as being a key part of...

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Martin Wartmann - Switzerland 2018

Deputy general counsel | Selecta Group

Martin Wartmann is a general counsel and chief compliance officer with more than ten years of blended international corporate in-house, private law firm and entrepreneurial experience. Wartmann joined Selecta, a...

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