| Hang Lung Group
Hang Lung Group
| Hang Lung Group
| Hang Lung Group
The legal department of real estate company, Hang Lung Group is made up of 37 lawyers and 22 non-lawyers, divided into a Hong Kong legal team, company secretarial teams and...
Hang Lung Group is an industry-leading real estate development company headquartered in Hong Kong, and has offices and a portfolio across eight cities in mainland China. Margaret Yan is the director, general counsel and company secretary overseeing 37 lawyers and 22 non-lawyers, who are divided into Hong Kong legal, two China legal divisions and three company secretarial teams. The legal team provides support to all insurance matters as well for operations in Hong Kong and China, which is not common for many in-house legal departments. Yan joined Hang Lung to lead the team in 2017, and since then she looked at new and innovative ways to provide practical and real time legal support to business operations, leveraging the use of technology where appropriate. With the rapid and successful development of
Hang Lung’s business, there has been a corresponding expansion of the legal team as well to cope with the upsurge of legal demands. In the last two years the company has seen a large period of expansion and the company’s legal teams were all crucial in this development, including during the approval of the “Green Panda” bond in China, the first green bond ever approved in the construction or real estate sector. The team works closely with all stakeholders from the preparation, approval to issuance stages of transactions, and did so when the team won a bid to acquire a major piece of land in Hangzhou for a record final price of RMB10.7bn. This acquisition also constituted a major transaction for Hang Lung. Similarly, Office Tower II in Wuxi was a recently finished construction and the team provided all necessary legal support behind this project. The Hong Kong legal team has been heavily involved in the post-crisis management of the Amoy Industrial Centre fire disaster of 2016, and the Shanghai team has been advising on the re-launch of Plaza 66, the firm’s flagship mall in China. About the legal team and its myriad of insightful, effective and business-enhancing advice, Yan says: ‘“We do it right”. Not only are we the legal stewards, we are also the gatekeepers and guardians to provide advice to our business operations so we are all doing the right thing, all the time’.