Legal operations director | Técnicas Reunidas
Leandro Meneses
Legal operations director | Técnicas Reunidas
Team size: 65
Which recent political, economic, or regulatory changes have impacted the company and the team the most?
The covid-19 pandemic has impacted the global economy over the last two years. To combat against the challenges caused by the pandemic, our legal team integrated our group by implementing solid streamline operations. Whilst political and military turmoil has created more difficulties for the company’s business operations, we quickly reviewed regulatory changes worldwide to deliver legal matters to our organisation in a seamless manner. Building industrial plants while suffering from shortage of skilled manpower, increased prices of raw materials and transportation, huge disruptions in supply chain, lockdowns, and other personal restrictions, has been extremely challenging. The company and our legal team struggled to find innovative ways to adapt to the new reality. However, we took a positive approach and made long-term plans instead.
What are the biggest risks facing your industry and how are you preparing your team and company for this?
The industry is confronted with manifold risks in short- and medium-term. The corporate organisations are making efforts to integrate into multidisciplinary works and emerging technologies. Our digital transformation is beyond technology; it is more about people, culture, and the way to operate business. Legal services will change dramatically in the coming years, and our team intends to be a pioneer in this transition. To catch up with changes caused by digital transformation, organisations must be agile and adaptable since organisational culture is crucial to the success of digital transformation.
How has the increasing consciousness of climate change and sustainability affected the company and the team’s priorities?
Técnicas Reunidas has developed strategies aimed at creating value in a sustainable way by presenting high value-added services. This allowed our clients to have efficient and sustainable facilities. By delivering these services, we are helping to reach the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are closely linked to the production of clean and affordable energy, minimising the negative impact on the environment and the society. We deliver services and build facilities that provide clean fuels while fulfilling the most stringent environmental standards. Our plants are built to produce affordable fuels that minimise the emissions of air pollutants, with the subsequent positive impact on the health of the communities they serve.
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