Vice president legal | Ashmore CAF-AM
Camila Quintero
Vice president legal | Ashmore CAF-AM
What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?
We were involved in two major project finance transactions in Colombia — Cambao Manizales and Rio Magdalena 2.
Cambao Manizales is a private initiative 4G toll road. It has entailed numerous challenges associated with the lack of payments coming from the government.
Rio Magdalena 2 is the first project in Colombia to include a multi-EPC scheme for a 4G toll road. The financing amounted to approximately $746m. It is the first to have a combination of UVR-indexed notes, USD-denominated loans, cop-denominated loans, UVR-indexed loans and interest rate and currency hedges.
What will be the main focus for the company in the next 12 months and how do you intend to assist with this?
The main focus in the next 12 months will be to obtain the first closing of the second fund. Additionally, we are very involved in fundraising activities.
If you had to give advice to an aspiring in-house lawyer or general counsel, what would it be and why?
The advice I would give to an aspiring in-house lawyer or general counsel would be to be as practical as possible. It is crucial to learn from others in other departments and be open-minded, considering different perspectives.