Tatiana Gonzalez – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2022

Industrials and real estate

Tatiana Gonzalez

Legal director Colombia - data privacy advisor Latam | Unilever


Colombia 2022


Recommended Individual

Tatiana Gonzalez

Legal director Colombia - data privacy advisor Latam | Unilever

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

The most significant recent transaction was the agreement to sell the spread business to the European Company Upfield, consolidating their operation in Colombia.
What will be the main focus for the company in the next 12 months and how do you intend to assist with this?

As a Unilever legal team, our primary focus for the next 12 months is on the category-business group: beauty and well-being, personal care, home care, nutrition, ice cream, and developing our strategic legal agenda.

One of our priorities is to work with speed, innovation and agility to benefit our customers, clients and employees.

If you had to give advice to an aspiring in-house lawyer or general counsel, what would it be and why?

The world needs in-house lawyers or general counsel to be innovative and strategic, with an ability to learn quickly, face challenges and act with transparency and integrity.

Tatiana Gonzalez Ceron - Colombia 2023

General counsel beauty and wellbeing LATAM, head of legal Andean region and data privacy and governance leader LATAM | Unilever

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