Juan Manuel González Hernández – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2022

Consumer products

Juan Manuel González Hernández

General counsel | El Palacio de Hierro


Mexico 2022


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Juan Manuel González Hernández

General counsel | El Palacio de Hierro

Can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?

Due to the pandemic by COVID-19, the legal team of El Palacio de Hierro (EPH) has worked, internally, to perfect the processes that had to be implemented to support internal clients and to handle the requests received remotely. We have been working on the correct implementation of regulations and government recommendations to operate all stores under the sanitary situation derived from the pandemic.

We also worked on the correct implementation of legislative amendment in labour matters regarding trade union issues, as well as the limitations in connection to subcontracting. We also continued to implement strategies in real estate matters, for EPH to continue growing in a structured fashion. Our team has also collaborated in stock exchange matters to list debt bonds in the Mexican Stock Exchange Market [Bolsa Mexicana de Valores].

How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?

Due to the situation experienced worldwide, internal lawyers had no option but to use legal technology, which had already been used and implemented previously but was not exceedingly popular among lawyers. Undoubtedly, the use of these tools makes global interconnection easier, and we have confirmed that use thereof makes us more efficient and productive.

On the other hand, among our functions, the pandemic has caused all legal counsel to bear in mind and consider that an extraordinary and unpredictable situation, such as the pandemic, is real and tangible; thus, we must necessarily foresee a correct solution for the effects derived from an event like this in our relationships with third parties, contracts, among others.

Which recent political, economic or regulatory changes have impacted the company and the team the most?

In Mexico, there are several regulatory limitations for the operation of department stores, as in the business of EPH, since unfortunately, this kind of business was not deemed as an essential activity to operate during the pandemic. Currently, all stores may be operating; however, there are limitations regarding the capacity, hours, limits on the advertising regarding events and promotions, among others. Also, there are compulsory norms such as the use of facemasks, sanitising gel, social distancing and for a long time, testing employees was compulsory.

In the office, it is still not possible to work from our offices, and so our team is required to continue working remotely.

How do you suggest in-house lawyers build strong relationships with business partners?

The basis of success is transparency and confidence created with commercial associates. This is achieved by clearly stating the benefits and the importance of preserving productive and healthy relationships, which occur when the objectives sought are aimed at a solution where everyone benefits.

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