Pronova BioPharma Norge – GC Powerlist
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Norway Teams 2018


Pronova BioPharma Norge

| Pronova BioPharma Norge


Norway Teams 2018

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Pronova BioPharma Norge


As part of its development into a world leader within the global omega-3 market, German chemical company BASF bought Pronova BioPharma in 2013 before fully integrating the newly acquired company into BASF’s nutrition and health division, with Pronova becoming a key part of its omega-3-business. Members of the legal function at Pronova BioPharma came in for praise by peers when the aforementioned deal, as well as the subsequent successful public to private delisting, was completed and has continued to excel ever since. Head of legal Tommy Album Rørvik has been with the organisation since 2011 and during the course of the research for this year’s GC Powerlist: Norway Teams, one nominator identified him as an excellent in-house asset to the company because he ‘handles various legal issues efficiently with safe hands and a thorough mind’, adding that, ‘he is experienced within the omega-3 sector and knows his way around the business’.

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